;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


My photo
I am a daughter,a sister,a granddaughter,a niece,a cousin,a friend,a partner,a student,a young girl,a damsel,a grown woman.I am confident and scared,terrified and excited,loving and caring,thoughtful and hopeful.I am sick and tired,shy and friendly,careful and careless,broken and whole.I am misunderstood,misguided and mislead.I am hardworking and determined.I am everything and nothing.Love me now,I'll love you later. :D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 tips to have a VERY sexy weekend with your loved one...


1. Give your beloved some *Sexy Coupons* that he or she
can redeem for some special favors such as a 20-minute
massage, oral delights or extended foreplay.

2. Get the juices flowing and the imagination going wild
with some well placed dirty/sexy messages.  You can text
them, email them, write them on the bathroom mirror with
dry erase markers, put them on the car seat or other place
your lover will find them.

3. Print out some diagrams of various positions and put
them in a jar or basket.  Next time you make love start out
with a new position you draw out -- even for just a few
minutes.  Not all positions are meant to end in climax but
you'll get your juices flowing with simply trying new things.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I am showing some love: either to Japan or my baby

I love Sang Jiason

smiles take away all the worries 
I want to be the one you look at

you rock my world

you brighten my day

peeking :P

J love

let's pray :))

Care and love

Rise and Shine


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Food and oral sex

“Great food is like great sex; the more you have, the more you want”- Gael Greene
There are men that are not that passionate about cunnilingus, and not because they find the whole process demeaning or anything, but because of the smell and taste of women’s intimate parts.
If you’re one of those men, don’t give up on the idea for good, you’ll make your girlfriend incredibly unhappy and you’ll lose some pretty special feelings also. Oral sex can be revived by adding food and beverages to the process. Here are some of my favorites, along with their benefits.
1.    Mint cream. In the old days, the majority of the famous luxury brothels had as specialty of the house the mint cream fellatio. I tried that with my husband once and he was extremely pleased with the result. After that, he decided to do the same to me. And man, the thrills! Here’s what you have to do: take a spoonful of mint liquor in your mouth, and then let it drip onto her private parts. For a brief moment, her lips are going to look like The Incredible Hulk but then the fun begins: the alcohol will start to gently tickle her skin, making the whole area incredibly sensitive. Cool it down by blowing cold air (everywhere BUT inside the vagina), which will result in an extraordinary mix of sensations. Soon she’ll start to feel her labia deliciously numb, at which point you should start your regular licking and kissing routine. If you’re on a budget, a strikingly similar effect can be obtained with mint mouthwash or sucking a mint candy.
2.    Cinnamon oil. In addition to the pleasant taste this gives to her intimate parts, a few drops of this heavily perfumed oil will make her feel like she’s on fire, tingling all over the place. The feeling is slowly phased off as you kiss her, but she won’t need that much time anyway, because is trick guarantees a fast and strong orgasm. Again, if the budget is limited, you can also try with sorbet- although not as effective.
3.    Tea. Take a sip of Earl Grey tea, after having let it cool in the cup for five minutes, then embrace her labia, making sure you don’t spill a single drop. (The best position for this is for you to kneel in front of her, while she’s standing, because this way your mouth is parallel to her body.) The heat that she feels brings additional pleasure to cunnilingus, and, as long as you manage to keep the tea in your mouth, the taste of her vagina will be much improved.
4.    Ice. This is excellent when alternated with tea, because you go from one extreme to the other, and the feeling is exquisite! Take a small cube of ice in your mouth and start sucking it while sucking her vulva. This can be done anywhere and at any angle, because the ice doesn’t stain the sheets.
5.    Yogurt. If you’re not the biggest fan of cunnilingus, yogurt can change the whole act into a friendly and delicious game. You simply anoint the vulva with it and then start licking it slowly. You can also add strawberries, cherries or even noodles, if you’re in for a treat. Be careful not to dedicate your entire attention to the process of eating solely the food, making her feel like a mere plate. Pace yourself and move the food here and there, revealing what’s worth kissing.
6.    Champagne. Even if it does not fit what Dom Perignon had in mind when he invented champagne, the trick works nicely. Take a sip of champagne and let the gas bubbles stimulate her while you’re doing your number on her. However, don’t think that you can save money by substituting champagne with 7up or Coca Cola, because these contain acids that will cause her vaginal sores.
7.    Whipped cream. That’s a classic, don’t you agree? Its sweet flavor covers all peculiar tastes and smells and you’ll be more than happy to go down on your girlfriend while she’s covered with it. A word of advice: spread the area of licking. Put whipped cream on her breasts, her belly, her thighs, hell you can even suck her fingers. Seeing you that into it, she’ll grow more relaxed and she’ll orgasm more quickly.
Have a gorgeously sexy week,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Shared Emotional Experiences"

So how do you do that with someone you just met.

By Asking Three Magic Questions and Letting Them
Give You The Master Key That Unlocks Their

Seriously. That's it.

The Recipe for Love and Attraction Is Right Here:
* Get Their Attention,

* Arouse Their Interest,

* Create Commonalities Between the two of you

* Tap Into Their Core Passions That Are Closest To Their
 Sense Of Identity.

* Link Those Core Passions To You and Then...

* Evoke Her Most Powerful, Primal, Pleasurable
 Child Hood Experiences and link all those feelings
 to you.


It really does Creates a Deep Powerful, Pleasurable and
Measurable Feeling of Attraction and Connection To YOU,
and it does it in as little as 20 Minutes.

and the best part is...

Your Subject Does Most of the Talking and Most of Work For You.

Seriously, The Longer She Talks, The More Attractive To Her
You Become.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How To Make Sure You Get Laid.

Whats the secret? You need to know how to read women.

Period. That's It, okay, well not quite, but its most of it.

See if you don't have that... NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!

So Let Me Ask You This.

How well do you know women?

Especially when it comes to finding out if a
woman is really attractive to you.

Can You Tell When She is ready to...

 - Be kissed?

 - Touched...

 - Go Back To Your Place?

 - Made Love To...?

How much more confident would you be with women,


You Always knew without a bit of doubt

 - just how into you,

 - attracted to you and turned on by you she
  really is?

You know the single biggest reason most systems

 - Dating,

 - Attraction,

 - Pick up

 - Seduction

 - and even Sexual Skills Fail is simply because

 Most guys CAN"T tell if what they are doing is
                ACTUALLY Working

Women Want MEN who are both sensitive to
what they want and need AND...

Know When To Take Charge, Willing To Be Dominant
and READY Take The Lead When The Time Is Right.

(this is the ultimate alpha combination)

and its a skill most guys simply Do NOT Have.

But what if there was a way to know exactly

 - HOW Into You She Really Is.

 - When she's ready to go to the next level
  With YOU

 - When You should take charge or

 - When you should follow her lead

Well there is.

It's called The...

 "7 Stages of Sexual Attraction & Arousal"

And it works on all women all over the world.

There a seven easily recognizable stages a
woman goes through on her way to becoming
sexually attracted to, and aroused by you.

Here they Are:

 7-Stages of Sexual Attraction and Arousal

Stage #1 - Acknowledgement Stage

stage #2 - Pivot Stage

Stage #3 - Reaching Stage

Stage #4 - Touching stage

Stage #5 - Snuggle Space Stage

Stage #6 - Minor Synchronization Stage

Stage #7 - Full Synchronization Stage

We call it the "Sexual Arousal Calibration Scale"

And its one of the most important skills to have
for getting anyone attracted to you.


In Fact, Studies (real ones) show That a woman can
literally fly through all seven stages and be
hot and Ready For SEX With You,

      In As Little As...15 Minutes!

...IF you match her and are in time with her sexual
  arousal cues.

All you have to do is...

 - Know What Stage of Arousal and attraction she
  Is in.

 - Know What To Do Next.

The best part is when you know what to look for
She will actually TELL you and Show You What
To Do Next!

There is an old saying... if you can't measure
it, then you can't manage it"

Well, in the world of attraction, sexuality and
even in a business like selling,

Nothing could be more TRUE.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chemistry, English, Maths are over

Cheers !
three subjects are over and I left only two which are psychology and biology.
after having biology in the morning, on that day itself I will then go to work for the noon shift.
And from there onward I will be working all the full shifts from 26 august until 4 September.

I will be real busy then, feel free to visit me in KLCC ground floor either in Parkson or outside LV.



Thursday, August 18, 2011

hey guys

i will be pretty busy now onwards.
all the major exams are coming.
of course i will still spent sometime updating my blog since this is the thing left after i deactivated my facebook.
if you guys have any things to talk or share or ask feel free to comment or send me email ^^

love you guys

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i am still hot with my short hair :P

A conversation

Dear David...

What intercourse positions provide the most
likelihood of producing female orgasm?

I understand fully well that it is rare for
a woman to have a vaginal orgasm without
stimulation to the clit...

(wondering if it is possible without clit



Dear Jonathan,

Yes, it is absolutely possible for a woman
to achieve vaginal orgasm without clitoral

But I don't think that is exactly what
you're asking.

I believe, and correct me if I am wrong here,
that you want to know if it is possible to
give a woman an orgasm during intercourse
WITHOUT direct clitoral stimulation.

You see, there are profound differences
between a vaginal orgasm and a clitoral

And most vaginal orgasms are NOT evoked
through clitoral stimulation.

The good news is the answer to your question
is still a resounding YES!

Giving a woman an orgasm during intercourse
without clitoral stimulation is actually
sometimes easier than giving her one WITH
clitoral stimulation.

Ask any woman who has ever orgasmed from the
rear-entry position (or more commonly referred
to as the doggy-style position) and you will
confirm this very quickly.

The key to non-clitoral orgasms during
intercourse comes down to several factors-

1.  Position
2.  Angle
3.  Intensity of sexual arousal.

The primary targets for giving a woman a
non-clitoral vaginal orgasm is the G-spot.

Now, in order to activate the G-spot you
have to select a position that allows your
penis to continuously stimulate your woman's
G-spot at the proper angle.

There are a couple positions that work really
well for this.

You can use a modified missionary position
where you prop your woman's buttocks and hips
high enough to allow you to insert your penis
upward and inward at about a forty five degree

This will allow you to directly stimulate her
G-spot with your penis.

You can use the rear entry position which has
the advantage of being able to slide the
length of your penis along the G-spot.

And if your a little more acrobatic, you can
also position your body more so that you can
stimulate the G-spot from an up to down motion,
which is the reverse of the modified missionary
position, which gives a downward to upward
type of stimulation.

You can also use what I call the "side mount"
position, which is a little too involved to
explain here.

So the good news is that YES, it absolutely
is possible to give a woman an orgasm during
intercourse without clitoral stimulation!

The bad news is most folks probably won't be
able to do it even using the proper positions
and angles.

Wanna know why?

The G-spot is a slow-burning, high-explosive
pleasure center!

Now what exactly do I mean by that?

The G-spot takes a much longer time to reach
its boiling point than the clitoris does.

In other words, it takes a much more intense
and prolonged level of sexual arousal to get
the G-spot ready for orgasm.

Now the good news is once the G-spot is primed
and ready for orgasm, each subsequent orgasm
will be more intense and come faster than the
one before it.

If you try to give your woman a G-spot orgasm
before she's ready you are more than likely
going to reach orgasm yourself and ejaculate
long before your woman reaches climax.

This is why in book two I teach you that you
should never ever go for intercourse until
you have given your woman at least three

This is golden Rule of Three!

And you should never try to give her an orgasm
until you have worked her into a true sexual
frenzy of lust using all the Sexual Arousal
Techniques I teach in Secret Orgasm Tips!

That is an iron clad rule that I absolutely
live by!

Using the super-powerful techniques and
strategies I teach Secret Orgasm Tips, you
will have your woman begging to feel your
penis inside her and lusting for you to bring
her to orgasm in every possible way shape
and form!

She will want you in ways that defy

You see, most men really want to give their
women the nuclear powered orgasms during
intercourse that she's been dreaming about.

Unfortunately the vast majority of men think
the key to achieving that level of orgasm is
simply thrusting longer, stronger and harder
with the end result being...

The Man Cums and the Woman Doesn't!

As I have said many many times before most
of the problems you will face in your road
to sexual mastery will have a lack of intense
sexual arousal at the very root of the issue.

My belief (and my experiences have born this
out) is that as a man develops his ability to
tease and please a woman's body, he also
develops the ability to intensify the
non-physical connection between himself
and his partner which also amplifies sexual
arousal and ultimately pleasure.


It’s All In Her Head: Six Steps to Smart Seduction

It may seem cliche, but there is no hiding from the fact that the key to turning a woman on is through romance. The female brain is designed to seek security and reliability, where the male brain pursues sex much more ruthlessly. Turning on her body, whether it seems easy and straightforward or a maze of complexity, is still only the second step to the sex you seek. Before you even get close, you need to seduce her mind! These six simple steps will have her putty in your hands and eager to explore.
1. Eye Contact
Did you and your wife ever have that moment, early on in your relationship, gazing across the room at each other with the sparks flying? Do you remember how that moment felt, year heart thudding in your chest and your breath fast in your throat? There was a time when I would have given anything to feel that excitement again, and I’m grateful for it every time my husband gives me a playful wink or a suggestive eyebrow-raise from across the room.
2. Kissing
Sure, a smooch on the way out the door and a few hot wet ones before sex are great, but don’t you ever just miss making out for the fun of it? Kissing is one of the best forms of foreplay available! Lots of women appreciate some lip action without the immediate expectation of sex. Why not warm her up a bit in the morning when she wakes up and leave her to simmer all day? When it does come to sex, mix it up a bit! Light kisses on her eyelids, nose, neck and other erogenous zones will have her warmed up and begging for more in no time flat.
3. Taking Control
Who initiates sex in your relationship? If it’s you, what’s your approach? Many people shy away from taking the reigns in sex – if you aren’t very confident or knowledgeable about pleasing your partner, it can be hard to make the first move with grace and strength, but this is what so many women crave!
Let her take control if she expresses an interest and don’t get offended if she gives you suggestions. When you want to start the scene, be open and honest. Tell her your desires and be ready to guide her in giving you what you want. A strong majority of women are interested in having their hair pulled, their bottom spanked or their wrists cuffed during sex, so no matter what your fantasy, open your mind and let her know – chances are she’s into some roleplay too!
4. Communication
Intimate Talk
Stop beating around the bush. We all have dreams, fantasies and desires and who better to help us experience these things than the love of your life? Sitting down to talk about your sexy secrets over an intimate dinner can open up the path to role playing your wife’s rescue fantasy, purchasing a sex toy together or donning a costume or uniform… but only if you’re willing to risk embarrassment and speak up!
Dirty Talk
Once you’re comfortable discussing your sexual fantasies in the low-pressure zone, it’s time to take it up a notch. When things are getting hot and heavy, the easiest way to get the dirty talk going is to talk about what you want your wife to do to you… or what you can’t wait to do to her. When you’re in the moment, you can draw things out by describing how the experience feels. This will not only allow you to spend more time together, but will heighten your excitement and hers.
Non-Verbal Cues
The four main categories of non-verbal clues should come as no surprise: hugging, kissing, touching and looking. The best foreplay involves all four techniques, to stimulate the mind and body in as many ways possible.
5. Support
Trying new things can be scary and she will need your comfort and support when working to define her needs and wants. When you’re in the moment, encourage her when she does something you really like – be clear and concise! If she’s doing something that isn’t particularly pleasing, gently guide her hands or mouth somewhere else, and save the critique for later.
6. Confidence 
Aside from praising her skill or technique, practicing the art of compliments in other areas will not only be greatly appreciated, but will allow your partner to feel more comfortable relaxing and opening up to you about her deepest desires. Be honest and tell her what you really love about her.

i deactivated my facebook account

pretty clear written title.

contact me here ^^

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sorry Left this hanging :P

Let me update you guys :)

Currently busy with studies.
Bought an iPad2 for him.
I'm using Bold instead of Torch.
Bought a SUB jacket for him.
Got an ESPRIT Collection necklace 925.
Got a locker in college.
Wearing sandals instead of shoes.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Being photogenic isn't a proud thing LOL :X

Hmmmm, what should I write?

Arghhhhhhhhhh, heart pumps "up"


Showing some love :P

*lips :*

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

Friday, April 22, 2011

ELD Assignment requirements (like I will understand more typing 'em here)

  • Mr. Bhamra says : " I don't want her [Jesminder] to make the same mistake that her father made of accepting life or accepting situations. I want her to fight and I want her to win. "
          To what extend does your viewing of Bend It Like Beckham support this view?

  • ' Jesminder's parents' decision to place their traditional values above their daughter's aspiration is difficult for a modern audience to understand. '
          Do you agree?

  • ' In Bend It Like Beckham Chadha suggests that to be true to yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achivement. '

  • ' Our relationship with others help us to define who we are. '   
         Do you agree?

  • ' Bend It Like Beckham shows that cultural values have the power to overcome the values held by the individual. '


In this task, you are required to complete an extended written response of 350-450 words. Your writing must draw directly from the selected film text for this context and explore one of the ideas suggested below. Your response will be assessed according to the criteria set out at the bottom of the page.

Assessment Criteria

Your writing will be address all of the criteria. All students will be examined against each criterion. 

Writing in context : Text response

  1. Detailed knowledge and understanding of the set text chosen, demonstrated appropriately in response to the task.
  2. Development in the writing of a coherent and effective structure in response to the task.
  3. Control of expressive and effective language appropriate to the task.                                                                                                                                     

Friday, March 18, 2011


I feel soulless.
It was a mistake.
But I am glad I did that mistake.
I had greatest time in my life through that mistake.

And now, I had the worst moment in my life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's complicated.

What's wrong with us?
I remembered when I started this, everything was okay.
Until my friends met him, my mother got the clue about him.
Everything turns to a disaster.
My best friend was on my side before she met him.
I got no idea what happened.
My friends.
They were warning me about him.
I don't blame my friend of course.
They don't know him yet.
He's friendly and colorful and fifty percent off.
That's the line he loves to tell.
The way he says it makes me laugh, always.
My mother.
She just simply doesn't like him.
She doesn't even know him yet.
I don't blame her too.
I know she loves me.
I love her more.

He told me I'm a big part of his life.
He is for mine too.
But I can't bear it if my friends and families are walking away from me because I want him.
What is all this?
I don't want to choose.
Stop putting me into this situation.
Making choices.
I hate it, the most.

A thought hits me.
Why can't we have two life?
I'll separate them.
Each get 12 hours to spend time with me.
Crazy me.
Can't believe I can still make jokes now.

Everything will be okay, some day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I just hate it when you can't tell me you're sad and hide all your feelings for yourself.
I hate it more when I know you kept it for yourself because I can do nothing.
I feel so useless now.

What the hell.


About my birthday sucks, it was only from 0000 till 1500.
Because I had a really good time with my mother and W after that.
We went pavilion for movie.
Sadly there was no space for us in the cinema.
maybe it's a good sign.
Yeah, it was.
Luckily there's no space for us in cinema.
We went shopping.
For women, shopping is a magic word.
Whenever women are happy, sad, moody, confused....
Shopping is the best medicine.
Does the same to me.
I feel goooooooooooood.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Only hope.

Now I can only hope things turn to be better.
I love him but I can't make myself perfect for him.
Another him's a past and I couldn't hurt him more.
That's was why I always say the worst coincidence,
WORST somehow without reason attracted by me.
Am I a trouble magnet or what?
Why do we meet at this horrible time.
Can't it be later?
This sucks.
And I couldn't blame anyone but me.
Whatever it is now, thanks to myself.

The storm after the calm.

Sorry that I didn't visit blog yesterday.
There was so much to share.
I spent half of my day doing something I've never done.
Never even had the thought of doing it.
But I did.
And I enjoyed.
Everything was great.
I love talking to him anyway.
It means a lot when he was willing to share stories about himself.
Everything is interesting about him.
His school life, his life, everything.
I ate something his father cooked too.
To be honest, it was simple and nice.
I like it.
I think I ate something like squid or whatever the name is.
For the first time.
Here came the storm.

I wondered why people said the calm after the storm.
In my situation it was in the wrong order.
Refer my title.
Everything about yesterday was as perfect as how it seemed to be.
Until that call.
Considered the symptom before storm.
Worse things followed by one another.
My brother's issues.
My mother's madness.
Everything messed up.
I would say yesterday I was having the best mood of the month but also worst.
I fought with my mother for nothing.
And accidentally dragged my aunt into it which I feel awfully guilty about.
I wanted to say I hate my brother but I think he has had enough.
His situation is nothing better than me either.
Since he's my little brother, what can I say.
Looking upon this matter, my scenario seemed to be a really tiny matter in my family.
But I feel bad.
Everything was fine but gone wrong.
I don't want to lose him.
I never want to have two things in a time.
There were no option.
Only one.
I'm tired.
My mind gone blank even before I started thinking.
Right now, I'm typing and thought about that out of controlled.
I'm screwed, I'm dizzy now.
How am I going to feel better?
Wrong one.
Should be "when".
There's no "how".
I'm not sure what's happening to me.
It's like there's hurricane happening in my head.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I hate betrayer.
Especially the ones who are close with me.
I trusted you.
Apparently, I was wrong.
I shouldn't have trusted you like that.
I really can't believe it.
I thought we were like soul mate or best friends.
Obviously it was my mistake.
I don't wanna talk much about this.
You just made my day.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Why am I living in M'sia?
Hated the sunlight so much.
It woke me up on SUNDAY.
The day which allows me to sleep more.
Should have make use of the curtains.
Crawl to my laptop.
I promised myself I should finish BC's homework today.
Turned on the music.
Feeling better.
Still fighting with the heavy eye lids to stay conscious.
Had my breakfast and lunch at home.
So lazy to be out.
Suddenly this song just strikes me.

Just a dream by Nelly.

Nice song.

In my situation (currently), feel like lying in his arms now.
Well, that just goes to show I'm listening the right song!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Don't walk away.

"I've been running in circles all day long
I'm out of breath but I'm still going strong
I'm gonna get you, yeah no matter what they say
You think I'm losing but I always get my way
Don't walk away when I'm talking to you

This ain't no time for your bad attitude
Don't gimme, that face,
When you know I'm really down for the chase cause' my hearts already in it and I'm never gonna quit it when you finally gonna get it
Don't walk away"

-By Miley Cyrus-

I really like this song.
Somehow it gave me 'OMG this is the one' feeling.
This song had intruded my personal circle of safety.
I guess for 18 years, there's very limited song has done that to me.
Have you ever been to that feeling when a song plays according to your lullaby?
If you had been there, you'll know what I meant.
I'm not saying this song is beautiful and perfect.
Not for everyone at least.
I guessed if I do tell others to listen to this, might not be so welcomed though.
Everyone got their own.
This is mine.
Words failed me.
I can barely describe this if you haven't gone through one.
I'm being paranoid while listening to song like this.
I was imagining something about him.
-He grabbed my hand and wrenched me into one of his bone-crushing hugs-
I'm insane.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Starting to be my second home though.
I saved money but reading more. 
As I spent a lot of time being there and reading.
I doubt if I would ever finish Eclipse there.
They should prepare more comfortable chair though.
My ass hurts sitting for too long.
Maybe that's their point.
Not having people (like me) reading a book rather than buying it.
By the way, I saw Schanny today.
It's good to see him around.
I missed him, it's been decades the last time we met.
Anyway, I miss him a lot while reading.
Maybe it was really a wrong idea reading about romance without having him any near.
I was starving.
But I rather see him than eat food.
Food doesn't seem essential if it had put to compare with him.
Damn it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It had been a long time since I ever seen him.
Thanks to his random schoolmate who had made a random concert around KLCC.
That brings him to me.
I was having fun hanging around with him.
He made me laugh a lot, I meant a lot.
Love the way he talks.
The way he tells he's persiaaaaan.
One new statement came up just now.
He prefers meeting me even a couple minutes than not seeing me.
I'm so proud of myself.

Round of applause to Miss Wwynie.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Greek term for CRAZY.
It's been my favorite word since I know him.
Everything he does or he did, I could only called that crazy.
He's driving me crazy.
But I felt crazily in love with him.
Wasn't sure I would use the word "Love".
Knowing him, I understood that we can't fool around with that word.
It's powerful, meaningful, magical.
New realization of the word made me afraid to use it constantly.
It's now being thought twice before saying it.
It seems so simple and nice word.
But thousands of people are willing to give up everything in their live to fight for it.
I think this would be the most unusual and mysterious thing that ever happened in one's life-cycle.
Of course, amazing too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was seriously hoping to see him and spend time.
Turns out something unexpected.
For the very first time, I waited someone for almost 3 hours.
I never did something like that.
My maximum of waiting was never more than half an hour.
No even my family members.
Or people I really cared before.
At least without being mad.
But I did not.
Turns out anger (were supposed to be) is replaced by guiltiness.
I wouldn't want him to travel this far just to see me.
p/s : It was horrible spending that hour with L. Regret that I requested. :'(
Eventually, I didn't get to see him either.

But one thing to be sure of and to be happy of,
I realize a few statements about him.
"Do not try to understand his hard time when he's not in the mood to tell."
"Do not try to ask something which I can't help much."
"Do not try to get details as there'll be no difference."

Hope I got these right.
Wouldn't want to make mistakes like these anymore.

Like right now, I was hoping to send a comfort message.
Saying something about sorry for what happened with him and his father.
No way.
According to the statements, I'll be making huge mistake.

If I were to be correct with the statements, it would probably be a better turning point. ;)

Monday, February 28, 2011


You said you know me.
Clearly you don't.
But I don't want to explain.
It's enough,
I've hurt you enough.

I am gonna miss the way he did that.
'' Look, there's something on your neck.''
Pointed with a finger.
''What'' as I looked down, his finger touched my lips.
The moment I looked up, he showed a untouchable kiss...

I exhaled with a cloud or warmth air I guess.
I feel warm.
I will never forget that.


J proposed with a ring.
Of course, REJECTED.
He can't let me go.
His brain cancer entered second stage.
It was all my fault.
I was the one who put him in this situation.
I wish he will get amnesia or something like that.
So he won't be suffering anymore.

La tua cantante.

He's my opium.
I can't say he's my 5-MeO-DMT.
It can't be true.
He really do know me.
But certainly not as well as myself.
I love him and I want him.
But I can't.
It's all because of the guilty in me.
I can't bear to hurt him.
He said I wasn't strong enough.
And he had experiences.
But things just started.
Of course he can say that.
How if...
No, That's not gonna happen.
Things are about to end now.
We don't talk much.
No bond linking us anymore.
I can see an empty road in front of us.
Means nothing.
Today, I reached British Council 40 minutes earlier.
I sat in the classroom.
Looking blank but running thoughts.

''I still remember the first day I entered this classroom.
All the unknown faces.
I saw him.
Nothing special.
The class ended.
I was on my way to KLCC.
Here it came.
I saw him with his friend.
He greeted me, addressed me as classmate.
Started the conversation and walked together to KLCC.
I guessed he told the funniest thing throughout the year that I've heard about his ex.
As I was going for the train, split up after that.''

-This was the first conversation-

''You are lying.
That was what you said when I was telling a half true story to my partner.
I was kinda furious, thinking who the hell are you, you don't know me, how can you say I'm lying?
Then you were laughing at the way I hold a pen.
I was like what's wrong with this guy? Did I step on his foot or something like that?
Class ended.
I'm not sure was it my imagination, he might be waiting for me.
He asked am I walking to KLCC again and I had the thought he might want to walk with me.
But I went to the speaking club so there was nothing happened after.''

-Those were second time of our so called conversation-

When I reached home that day, I suddenly had the thought that he might want to gain attention from me.
Few seconds later I was laughing as I thought I was crazy.
Cut off that thought.

''This was the day I got that umbrella nickname.
It was him who started it.
I'm glad we're happy together now and then''

Without me noticing,
you're getting more important.
La tua cantante.
Special name for a bond between a guy and a girl.

I'm a troublemaker.
There's nothing left.
Bye A.
I wonder was it true when people say the love you can't get will last for a long period of time.
I hope it does.
I want and I will keep these memories forbidden to remember,terrified to forget line.
It will be a hard line to walk.
But I'm glad I chose this.

All about BEE (B)

B and A