;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


My photo
I am a daughter,a sister,a granddaughter,a niece,a cousin,a friend,a partner,a student,a young girl,a damsel,a grown woman.I am confident and scared,terrified and excited,loving and caring,thoughtful and hopeful.I am sick and tired,shy and friendly,careful and careless,broken and whole.I am misunderstood,misguided and mislead.I am hardworking and determined.I am everything and nothing.Love me now,I'll love you later. :D

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

After all these years, I'm still stupid to have this thought? Really? Or that's just me?

Without realizing it, I'm almost done with Semester Two in Monash University. Time flies, I don't like it. Always hope that I have more time but yeah, I know myself. If there were to be more time, I would just chill and not study. Only if I was trained to be hard working, what kind of Asian am I. Never thought that I would end up here. But I've never regret this. What done is done. I could only work my ass off. I'm still surviving. Thanks to all my friends and course-mate. They are so friendly and everyone is willing to help and share. 

I have no idea what happened to me recently. Seems like everything around me annoys me. I couldn't think straight. Can't believe I have the thought again. Should have stopped drinking. Mind-fucked. I wished I had a teddy which could reply me and guide me. I've been talking to my dog. Sounded so childish and dumb isn't it? That's me. Dumb belle. But there's too much responsibility to be taken care of. My cute little brother is still dependant on me, really have no idea how he could survive without me. I should start rejecting his requests, let him be a man. But how could I? And my lovely mother, she sacrificed so much. How can I walk away? I can't talk to them because they will be really worried. This question has been bothering me, should I consult a psychologist?

Am I supposed to be in this world in the first place? How perfect will this world be without me? Couldn't help myself but let's imagine, would this world be a better place? I really want to sleep and never be awaken. I called myself stupid to have this thought before, but now? I'm a university student. Am I still young and stupid like before? I've been living under the smiling mask for so long. "Why are you always happy?", "Why do you smile all the time?", people asked a lot these kind of questions. I can only smile and answer, that's just me. I thought I found people who I can stop pretending. I can cry and frown in front of them. But I find it hard, to people who care about me, how could I do this to them? Wouldn't they be worried too? 

I am such a whore. I didn't want to be. Guess I'm born to be one. I never want this to happen. But it did. The thing is I've never regretted a single thing. Not even for a second. Fucking whore!

Task to be done, get rid of this piece of shit, Belle. How? When? That's really a question. I've thought of so many ways. But none of them can avoid the pain I would cause afterwards. What am I supposed to do? 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 tips to have a VERY sexy weekend with your loved one...


1. Give your beloved some *Sexy Coupons* that he or she
can redeem for some special favors such as a 20-minute
massage, oral delights or extended foreplay.

2. Get the juices flowing and the imagination going wild
with some well placed dirty/sexy messages.  You can text
them, email them, write them on the bathroom mirror with
dry erase markers, put them on the car seat or other place
your lover will find them.

3. Print out some diagrams of various positions and put
them in a jar or basket.  Next time you make love start out
with a new position you draw out -- even for just a few
minutes.  Not all positions are meant to end in climax but
you'll get your juices flowing with simply trying new things.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I am showing some love: either to Japan or my baby

I love Sang Jiason

smiles take away all the worries 
I want to be the one you look at

you rock my world

you brighten my day

peeking :P

J love

let's pray :))

Care and love

Rise and Shine


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Food and oral sex

“Great food is like great sex; the more you have, the more you want”- Gael Greene
There are men that are not that passionate about cunnilingus, and not because they find the whole process demeaning or anything, but because of the smell and taste of women’s intimate parts.
If you’re one of those men, don’t give up on the idea for good, you’ll make your girlfriend incredibly unhappy and you’ll lose some pretty special feelings also. Oral sex can be revived by adding food and beverages to the process. Here are some of my favorites, along with their benefits.
1.    Mint cream. In the old days, the majority of the famous luxury brothels had as specialty of the house the mint cream fellatio. I tried that with my husband once and he was extremely pleased with the result. After that, he decided to do the same to me. And man, the thrills! Here’s what you have to do: take a spoonful of mint liquor in your mouth, and then let it drip onto her private parts. For a brief moment, her lips are going to look like The Incredible Hulk but then the fun begins: the alcohol will start to gently tickle her skin, making the whole area incredibly sensitive. Cool it down by blowing cold air (everywhere BUT inside the vagina), which will result in an extraordinary mix of sensations. Soon she’ll start to feel her labia deliciously numb, at which point you should start your regular licking and kissing routine. If you’re on a budget, a strikingly similar effect can be obtained with mint mouthwash or sucking a mint candy.
2.    Cinnamon oil. In addition to the pleasant taste this gives to her intimate parts, a few drops of this heavily perfumed oil will make her feel like she’s on fire, tingling all over the place. The feeling is slowly phased off as you kiss her, but she won’t need that much time anyway, because is trick guarantees a fast and strong orgasm. Again, if the budget is limited, you can also try with sorbet- although not as effective.
3.    Tea. Take a sip of Earl Grey tea, after having let it cool in the cup for five minutes, then embrace her labia, making sure you don’t spill a single drop. (The best position for this is for you to kneel in front of her, while she’s standing, because this way your mouth is parallel to her body.) The heat that she feels brings additional pleasure to cunnilingus, and, as long as you manage to keep the tea in your mouth, the taste of her vagina will be much improved.
4.    Ice. This is excellent when alternated with tea, because you go from one extreme to the other, and the feeling is exquisite! Take a small cube of ice in your mouth and start sucking it while sucking her vulva. This can be done anywhere and at any angle, because the ice doesn’t stain the sheets.
5.    Yogurt. If you’re not the biggest fan of cunnilingus, yogurt can change the whole act into a friendly and delicious game. You simply anoint the vulva with it and then start licking it slowly. You can also add strawberries, cherries or even noodles, if you’re in for a treat. Be careful not to dedicate your entire attention to the process of eating solely the food, making her feel like a mere plate. Pace yourself and move the food here and there, revealing what’s worth kissing.
6.    Champagne. Even if it does not fit what Dom Perignon had in mind when he invented champagne, the trick works nicely. Take a sip of champagne and let the gas bubbles stimulate her while you’re doing your number on her. However, don’t think that you can save money by substituting champagne with 7up or Coca Cola, because these contain acids that will cause her vaginal sores.
7.    Whipped cream. That’s a classic, don’t you agree? Its sweet flavor covers all peculiar tastes and smells and you’ll be more than happy to go down on your girlfriend while she’s covered with it. A word of advice: spread the area of licking. Put whipped cream on her breasts, her belly, her thighs, hell you can even suck her fingers. Seeing you that into it, she’ll grow more relaxed and she’ll orgasm more quickly.
Have a gorgeously sexy week,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Shared Emotional Experiences"

So how do you do that with someone you just met.

By Asking Three Magic Questions and Letting Them
Give You The Master Key That Unlocks Their

Seriously. That's it.

The Recipe for Love and Attraction Is Right Here:
* Get Their Attention,

* Arouse Their Interest,

* Create Commonalities Between the two of you

* Tap Into Their Core Passions That Are Closest To Their
 Sense Of Identity.

* Link Those Core Passions To You and Then...

* Evoke Her Most Powerful, Primal, Pleasurable
 Child Hood Experiences and link all those feelings
 to you.


It really does Creates a Deep Powerful, Pleasurable and
Measurable Feeling of Attraction and Connection To YOU,
and it does it in as little as 20 Minutes.

and the best part is...

Your Subject Does Most of the Talking and Most of Work For You.

Seriously, The Longer She Talks, The More Attractive To Her
You Become.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How To Make Sure You Get Laid.

Whats the secret? You need to know how to read women.

Period. That's It, okay, well not quite, but its most of it.

See if you don't have that... NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!

So Let Me Ask You This.

How well do you know women?

Especially when it comes to finding out if a
woman is really attractive to you.

Can You Tell When She is ready to...

 - Be kissed?

 - Touched...

 - Go Back To Your Place?

 - Made Love To...?

How much more confident would you be with women,


You Always knew without a bit of doubt

 - just how into you,

 - attracted to you and turned on by you she
  really is?

You know the single biggest reason most systems

 - Dating,

 - Attraction,

 - Pick up

 - Seduction

 - and even Sexual Skills Fail is simply because

 Most guys CAN"T tell if what they are doing is
                ACTUALLY Working

Women Want MEN who are both sensitive to
what they want and need AND...

Know When To Take Charge, Willing To Be Dominant
and READY Take The Lead When The Time Is Right.

(this is the ultimate alpha combination)

and its a skill most guys simply Do NOT Have.

But what if there was a way to know exactly

 - HOW Into You She Really Is.

 - When she's ready to go to the next level
  With YOU

 - When You should take charge or

 - When you should follow her lead

Well there is.

It's called The...

 "7 Stages of Sexual Attraction & Arousal"

And it works on all women all over the world.

There a seven easily recognizable stages a
woman goes through on her way to becoming
sexually attracted to, and aroused by you.

Here they Are:

 7-Stages of Sexual Attraction and Arousal

Stage #1 - Acknowledgement Stage

stage #2 - Pivot Stage

Stage #3 - Reaching Stage

Stage #4 - Touching stage

Stage #5 - Snuggle Space Stage

Stage #6 - Minor Synchronization Stage

Stage #7 - Full Synchronization Stage

We call it the "Sexual Arousal Calibration Scale"

And its one of the most important skills to have
for getting anyone attracted to you.


In Fact, Studies (real ones) show That a woman can
literally fly through all seven stages and be
hot and Ready For SEX With You,

      In As Little As...15 Minutes!

...IF you match her and are in time with her sexual
  arousal cues.

All you have to do is...

 - Know What Stage of Arousal and attraction she
  Is in.

 - Know What To Do Next.

The best part is when you know what to look for
She will actually TELL you and Show You What
To Do Next!

There is an old saying... if you can't measure
it, then you can't manage it"

Well, in the world of attraction, sexuality and
even in a business like selling,

Nothing could be more TRUE.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chemistry, English, Maths are over

Cheers !
three subjects are over and I left only two which are psychology and biology.
after having biology in the morning, on that day itself I will then go to work for the noon shift.
And from there onward I will be working all the full shifts from 26 august until 4 September.

I will be real busy then, feel free to visit me in KLCC ground floor either in Parkson or outside LV.



All about BEE (B)

B and A