;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


My photo
I am a daughter,a sister,a granddaughter,a niece,a cousin,a friend,a partner,a student,a young girl,a damsel,a grown woman.I am confident and scared,terrified and excited,loving and caring,thoughtful and hopeful.I am sick and tired,shy and friendly,careful and careless,broken and whole.I am misunderstood,misguided and mislead.I am hardworking and determined.I am everything and nothing.Love me now,I'll love you later. :D

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Went to doctor today, on Christmas. :(

This morning, I wasn't feeling so well.
My mother brought me to doctor.
We ran around here and there.
But it's Christmas.
Most of the clinic is closed.
Luckily there's one more in Genting Klang.
So not feeling well today.
Nothing much to share.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

99 roses.

I've never been so surprise before.
A man stood in front of my house 12pm sharp today.
He was calling whether anybody home.
I was so lazy to go out.
My mom went and opened the door.
The man was short and he was holding 99 roses.
My mom shouted.
She thought those were hers.
And she called me.
I walked out and see that too.
That's for me.

(@,@) !!!

I haven't seen this much roses before.
Of course I did in flower shop but not as present.
They're from him.
Can't deny that I'm shock but...
Can't really explain that feeling.
Photo is available.

p/s : 99 roses are FREAKING heavy.
It's a good start of the day.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Timesquare. :D

Went shopping yesterday. :D
Out from 1pm till 11pm.
Thought wanna update my blog yesterday but too late.
Only bought one tee.
So not in the shopping mood surprisingly. : P
Played bowling too.
That was pretty embarrassing.
I fell down while letting go the bowling...
The bowling dropped while I swung my hand behind...
Lucky people were excited and busy with their own game.
They didn't see those.
Wish I could improve more in bowling though.

Some photos here. :D

By the way, B is gonna be a girl at home today.
Nothing much to share then. :D


Monday, December 20, 2010

My mom is back from Thailand.

She bought so many things for me.
She know me.
I love everything she bought.
She's amazing.
Best mom in the world.

I know.
Those really sounded unctuously.
But I do really touched with her act.
I mean she went for the holidays.
She should make the vacation mainly for herself.
But she thought of me too.
I didn't expect all this.
Kisses for her. :D


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Another day at home.

I am alone at home again.
My brother went for basketball and will be back around 3pm.
My dad visited my uncle in hospital.
My mom is currently in Thailand and will be back at 7pm.
I miss her.
What I can do is use computer and watch movie.

A sudden thought. : P
You heard MJ's <You're not alone> ?

The chorus part:

"...You are not alone,
I am here with you,
Though we're far apart,
You're always in my heart..."

exchange with my version:

"...Another day at home,
Someone tell me why,
If this continues,
I rather be a doll.."

I am so random. XD


Facon Edu. Fair

Went to the education fair...AGAIN.
Last year I went there too.
Same place.
I got to know more information this year. :D
At least I know what to ask.
Last year's sucks.
When people knew I'm 16, I got ignored.
I am finally 17 then.


Now when people want me to write down my information, I don't have to fake it anymore.
: P
I strongly feel that all my 17's friends should stop by and take a look at the exhibition.
You'll learn a lot.
I promise.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Feel good about gathering :D

All of us except my twin hang together at Jeremy's place tonight.
It's been awhile after the BIOLOGY SPM papers done.
There's so much to catch up with.
I finally meet En Ching. Hope I didn't spelled wrong. : P
She's nice.
I thought it would be boring but it seems the opposite.
Those food was amazing, mutton curry! Maa Favourite : D D D.
And Marshmallow with chocolate melt !
I ate a...l..o...t of course.

Who cares.

Food is attempting.

Not much of normal people can fight that.
Apparently, sadly I am one of the normal people.
Wuuuuu....> <


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Went to Secret Recipe after decades.

Just miss the taste!
Can you imagine it??
I know, its like doing an advertising job for S.R but I really can't deny I love their cheese cakes.
Yogurt cheese is shown above.
The combination of yogurt and some jam above the yogurt + cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese...
They are definitely the most perfect couple.
They just put my mood into the best condition.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So many to share today :D

First, I know I am a psychotic stalker.
I'm following myself.
Fine,I guess if this is a joke no one's laughing.

Two BIG events happened today. (For me) ; P

I am officially brace-less.
Uploaded photos to prove. :)



But the doc said I still need to put something there.
Who cares. : P

And, I attended my first driving lesson today!
It was new for me, amazing, exciting but tiring.
Stupid clutch -,-III
Driving isn't that hard but isn't that fun either.

However , still..
BIG THINGS to me : D


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Finally, my new life should start :D

Hold that thought!
Speaking about new life, check out before this...

I was shitting bricks before BC papers...
No idea why..
Butterfly in my stomach XD

It's over.
You get it?


I'll be facing more challenges in the future,that's for sure.
Just hope the time between ending of 17 and starting of 18 just got on hold,like forever.
That sounds so childish , I know.
Let me, for the one last time :)

No more chance for me to be childish anymore.
Its unacceptable.
Accept that.
Natural order sucks.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our soul is ineradicable and incorruptible.

Yeah, accept the fact that Our soul is ineradicable and incorruptible. 
There's no way your soul is broken because of love or any harm.
It is just a pseudomorph (I think people called it that way) that you feel soul broken or crack into pieces.
This is a f**cking true statement.

How about our heart?
Do you feel heartbroken once in awhile?
Because of love? family? siblings? friends?
These will be questions which only you, yourself will know the answers.

p/s: Puppy love(s) not counted anyway.

:D Enjoy your day.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shit! ; / preparing to be blamed

One reminder for everyone,

I shouldn't have keep that paper in my jeans' pocket.

Shouldn't have?
These word are not exist.
If they are, many thing would have be in better situation.
: /

GOD bless me.
> <
I've learnt the lesson.

Wish me luck,hope I'm still alive.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Went On the 10th alley for lunch :)

you guys should go there ;D

it's at LOT 10
Everything there is nice :)
Food FOOD food and FoOd :)

I can finally eat in peace , knowing he's fine and awake after the surgery. :D
Thank GOD for protecting him. :)


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Just reached home after tuition for 3 hours


Hope the surgery has gone well...
Hope something else can keep me away from thinking about that...

I shouldn't be thinking anymore..

Eminem: No Love ; /


"Midnight oil" will burn my dreams tonight. :S

T-W-O S-E-T-S-S-S-S-S-S?!?!

Nice : /

guess i'm not gonna sleep tonight, 
my beloved and pretty teacher wants ME to FINISH UP -two-!!!! sets of Spm Chinese (forecast) tonight.
She'll collect tomorrow morning.

Can't believe i'm still blogging.
; o

Sweet dreams guys.


All about BEE (B)

B and A